Event Marketing

We will take your contact meetings to a new level!

Depending on your requests and goals, we will help you to organize the whole event or merely rent out our know-how as additional help. We will take care of the details, so you could meet and spend time with your employees, clients, partners or just friends without the trouble of organizing!

The service includes all the necessary arrangements, preliminary work and all that comes after the event, including outcome measurement. We will determine the goals, opportunities and expectations, discuss the message and overall tone of the event, arrange necessary preliminary work and the activities following the event. We will be present for the whole event to coordinate and provide assistance based upon the previously agreed upon measures, and we will provide you with an evaluation and analysis of the event later on.

Should you already have the general ideas for the event in place, send us an inquiry HERE. Should you need help in creating the overall conception for the event, contact us on (+372) 514 4368 and we will arrange a meeting!

REQUEST FOR MORE INFORMATION HERE or call (+372) 514 4368 and ask for a personal offer! 

Management of event- and marketing projects, starting with the idea and following through to the execution!

Stillabunt helps you out in planning, organizing and executing events!

 Mari-Liis Kallismaa

Pildid / - Mari-Liis K_sündmuste

+372 51 44 368

Being active in the field of sales and marketing since 2002, Mari-Liis has a large number of great ideas to help organizations of various lines of business in reaching their objectives. In both smaller and larger creative projects, her strength lies in making things happen. Mari-Liis has been organizing corporate identity shaping events since 2011, including internal training and motivational meetings for employees, as well as meetings for improving organizational culture.

"What I like is the versatility and intensity that comes in hand with event organization. The customers and different situations I encounter are always stimulating, while the most rewarding is the satisfaction and sparkle in the eyes of the audience. "